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Schulte Nordholt, Prof. dr. Henk

Henk Schulte Nordholt (former head of research at KITLV) is Honorary Fellow at KITLV and emeritus professor of Indonesian History at Leiden University. His main fields of research include Southeast Asian history, contemporary politics in Indonesia, political violence, and the anthropology of colonialism. He has a special interest in Balinese studies.

Schulte Nordholt studied history at the VU University in Amsterdam, from which he graduated in 1980 (cum laude). In 1988 he obtained his PhD degree (cum laude) in social sciences at the Free University with a thesis on the history of the political system on the island of Bali. He taught anthropology and Asian history at the University of Amsterdam from 1985 until 2005. From 1999 until 2007 he was IIAS professor of Asian History at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and from 2007 until 2014 Professor of Southeast Asian Studies at the VU University in Amsterdam. He was the Head of Research at KITLV from 2002-2019.

He has coordinated a large Dutch Indonesian research program ‘Governance, Markets and Citizens (2013-2017)’, which is sponsored by the Scientific Program Indonesia – Netherlands (SPIN), and is currently coordinating the research project ‘’Indonesia in Transition: From Revolution to Nation-Building, 1943-1958’ (2017-2021), which is financed by NWO. Together with Harry Poeze he will write a new overview of the Indonesian revolution which will appear in 2022.

Selected Publications

Südostasien, Vol. 12 Neue Fischer Weltgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Verlag, 2018.

Citizenship and Democratisation in Southeast Asia (with Ward Berenschot and Laurens Bakker ed), Leiden: Brill 2016.

Een Geschiedenis van Zuidoost-Azië. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press 2016.

‘Decentralization and democracy in Indonesia,’ in R. Robison (ed), Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian Politics, 229-241. Routledge 2013.

‘Modernity and cultural citizenship in the Netherlands Indies,’ Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 42, 435-457, 2011.

Indonesie na Soeharto. Reformasi en Restauratie. Amsterdam 2008.

Bali, an Open Fortress, 1995–2005. Regional autonomy, electoral democracy and entrenched identities. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, 2007.

Research output (KNAW research portal – PURE)

Other publications can be found on narcis.nl.