Vacancies | PhD candidates Culinary Change in Indonesian Diasporas

KITLV is looking for three PhD candidates for the research project Trajectories of Taste: An Analytical Framework of Culinary Change after Migration (TASTE), a European Research Council-funded Consolidator Grant (ERC CoG) led by Prof. Tom Hoogervorst and hosted by the KITLV in Leiden.

The project investigates how culinary traditions change after migration. What factors contribute to new eating patterns? What is the role of traditions, memories, cultural contact and emotion? How do economic, socio-cultural and ecological considerations interact? What is taste and on which levels does it operate? Where do ideas about what food “should” taste like come from?

The project investigates how culinary traditions change after migration. What factors contribute to new eating patterns? What is the role of traditions, memories, cultural contact and emotion? How do economic, socio-cultural and ecological considerations interact? What is taste and on which levels does it operate? Where do ideas about what food “should” taste like come from?

Deadline applications: 15 August 2024.

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