11 Jun Blog: Why I wanted to be “white”
For the longest time, this little girl wanted to be white. She did not like her hair; she did not like her dark eyes; she did not like anything about the way she looked. She had very dry skin, and when she...
For the longest time, this little girl wanted to be white. She did not like her hair; she did not like her dark eyes; she did not like anything about the way she looked. She had very dry skin, and when she...
It was a sad moment in my academic life. Last week Friday afternoon, after months of intense writing, I had given myself the luxury of reading. I had been rearranging my bookshelves at home with adding ...
As outrage about police violence in the U.S. has resulted in protests all over the world, we have seen a great number of academic institutions making statements condemning racism. At KITLV we also feel compelled to speak out, particularly in view of...
"Je kan niet zo maar alles weghalen, als de geschiedenis niet bevalt", zegt Gert Oostindie. "Maar juist door een koloniaal monument te laten staan en iets toe te voegen, laat je het koloniale verleden zien. ...
Een interview met Gerhard de Kok over zijn pas verschenen boek Walcherse ketens: De trans-Atlantische slavenhandel en de economie van Walcheren, 1755-1780, gaat over de Walcherse...
Opnieuw klinkt in Nederland de roep om koloniale standbeelden omver te halen. In het Noordhollands Dagblad zegt Gert Oostindie, dat dit een fluitje van een cent moet zijn, want zoveel koloniale...
The NWIG is a scholarly fully open access journal on the Caribbean, featuring English-language articles in the fields of anthropology, art, archaeology, economics, geography, geology, history, international relations, linguistics, literature, music, political...
New study reveals multiple waves of settlement and connections to the American mainland. According to a new study by an international team of researchers from the Caribbean...
Recensie door Gert Oostindie van het boek Suriname: Van wingewest tot natiestaat van Jan Pronk, voormalig minister voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en nauw betrokken bij het regeringsbeleid ...
Walcherse ketens: De trans-Atlantische slavenhandel en de economie van Walcheren, 1755-1780, door Gerhard de Kok. De Nederlandse deelname aan ...