04 Aug Nederland doodde op Sulawesi veel meer Indonesische mannen en kinderen dan bekend
Artikel op de website van De Correspondent: 'Nederland doodde op Sulawesi veel meer Indonesische mannen en kinderen dan bekend', door Manon van den Brekel. ...
Artikel op de website van De Correspondent: 'Nederland doodde op Sulawesi veel meer Indonesische mannen en kinderen dan bekend', door Manon van den Brekel. ...
Na het weekeinde worden in Nederland de onderhandelingen over een nieuwe regeringscoalitie voortgezet. De uitkomst is van belang voor de ...
During the Decolonization War in Indonesia (1945-1949), the Netherlands initiated two large scale military operations and was also engaged in smaller actions on a daily basis. The number of Dutch military ...
Situated in an inconspicuous residential area in the south of Surabaya, one could easily overlook one of Indonesia’s most intriguing libraries and its equally fascinating owner. Tom Hoogervorst looks back on a fruitful week of research spent at Medayu Agung...
Malcom Ferdinand, a post-doctoral researcher on the Confronting Caribbean Challenges project, has been awarded the prestigious 2016 PhD Prize for Interdisciplinary Research, which is given out by the...
Starting September 1, 2017, Fridus Steijlen has been appointed as Professor Extraordinary in the Moluccan Migration and Culture in a comparative perspective at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the VU University...
Now available online: latest issue of the Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia (BKI). BKI is an interdisciplinary journal on Southeast Asia, with a strong focus on Indonesia. The editors...
KITLV is pleased to invite you to experience Indonesia while walking through Leiden’s city center with the new walking app Envisioning Indonesia. Within the framework of the Leiden Asia Year KITLV developed the walk app Envisioning Indonesia. ...
Door Wouter Veenendaal. Door niet samen te werken met buureilanden blijft Sint Eustatius gevangen in de relatie met Nederland. Vandaag vergadert de Tweede Kamer ...
Soldaat in Indonesië 1945-1950 (Prometheus, 2015), written by Gert Oostindie, in collaboration with Ireen Hoogenboom and Jonathan Verwey is now in its fifth edition. The publication is based on letters, diaries, albums and memoires of members of the Dutch ...