24 May New publication: ‘Why politics matters: An insight from Indonesia’s flood management’
Article by Yogi Permana on politics and Indonesia's flood management at NewMandala.org. Flooding is the most significant hydrometeorological hazard...
Article by Yogi Permana on politics and Indonesia's flood management at NewMandala.org. Flooding is the most significant hydrometeorological hazard...
Anne van Mourik en Roel Frakking betogen in hun stuk dat de oplaaiende discussies rond De Oost, door het benadrukken van 'goede bedoelingen', Nederlandse politiek-militaire gedragingen ...
Esther Captain is the author of the chapter ‘Sexual restraint, substitution, transgression and extreme sexual violence across the late-colonial and postcolonial...
The KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies would like to commission an original work of visual art for our space at Leiden University. Atelier KITLV is a working group within the Institute....
The results of the research programme Independence, Decolonization, Violence and War in Indonesia, 1945-1950 will be presented on Thursday, February 17, 2022 ...
On April 22, 2021 KITLV is officially kicking-off the new project on climate change and governance in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Together with partners from Indonesia and the Caribbean...
Blog by David Kloos at leidenislamblog.nl about Citi Yousoff from Malaysia, one of the very few female calligraphers with an ijazah (a traditional licence) and...
Although I have been far from Indonesia for some time now, I still consider myself to have the right to regard the country that is 18,000 kilometres away as my source of information, entertainment...
Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Sen has dominated the country’s politics for nearly 40 years. He recently announced he would like to rule for another decade. Often described as a “strongman” leader, his longevity has led some to describe Cambodia’s regime ...
Op 21 maart jl. was het precies 70 jaar geleden dat de eerste Molukkers naar Nederland kwamen. Naar aanleiding daarvan riep een groep burgemeesters de ...