This is the final conference of the Indonesia- Netherlands collaborative research program on ‘Governance, Markets, and Citizens’. Hosts are the KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and the Caribbean Studies in Leiden and the Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta.
In the Open Seminar on 12 December 2016 international key note speakers will address four major governance challenges that Indonesia faces currently: climate change, inequality, food security and rural development policy. Speakers are Tania Li (Toronto University), Yunita Winarto (UI, Jakarta), Gerry van Klinken (KITLV, Leiden), Pujo Semedi (UGM, Yogyakarta), John McCarthy (ANU, Canberra), Riwanto Tirto Sudarmo (LIPI, Jakarta) and Jacqueline Vel (KITLV, Leiden). The three research projects in this collaborative program will contribute to the discussion about these challenges by presenting a selection of their latest results concerning the nexus governance – democracy – citizenship. We invite students and others who would like to attend this international academic seminar to respond to our call for participants through the conference website …>>