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Indonesia Social Science Seminar Series (IS4) | The non-government accountability initiatives in Indonesia’s national health insurance

Online event

Indonesia’s National Health Insurance (NHI) program, known as Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN), started operation in 2014, ending an era where the poor were mostly left behind. JKN was obliged by law to improve the accessibility of clinical health treatment for all citizens where the promise is for an equitable and quality service.

Algemene Ledenvergadering Vereniging KITLV

Online event

Het bestuur van de Vereniging KITLV nodigt haar leden uit voor een online Algemene Ledenvergadering op donderdag 17 juni a.s. van 16.30-17.30 uur. De agenda en vergaderstukken volgen z.s.m.