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Farewell symposium Willem van der Molen | Towards a history of Javanese literature

The ongoing decline in Javanese literary studies during the past decades has prompted quite a few efforts among students of Javanese to stop the tide, both in and outside Indonesia. The principle underlying such efforts is that Javanese literature is worth to be known and studied. In December 2019 an international symposium on Javanese literary history will be organized for Willem van der Molen on the occasion of his retirement as a researcher at KITLV, Leiden

LeidenGlobal Expert Talks: Hoe gaat Nederland om met haar koloniale verleden?

De LeidenGlobal Expert Talks is een nieuwe reeks lezingen die LeidenGlobal samen met de Eenheid Strategische Advisering en de Academie voor Internationale Betrekkingen organiseert. Verbreed en verdiep je kennis tijdens deze reeks inspirerende mini-colleges,gegeven door diverse experts. Deze tweede lezing uit de reeks zal gaan over de vraag hoe Nederland omgaat met haar koloniale verleden.

Symposium Koninkrijksdag

Paleis Kneuterdijk Den Haag

Hare Koninklijke Hoogheid Prinses Beatrix der Nederlanden is maandagmiddag 16 december 2019 aanwezig bij een symposium ter gelegenheid van Koninkrijksdag bij de Raad van State in Den Haag. Het symposium staat in het teken van 65 jaar Statuut voor het Koninkrijk.

Workshop | Return to society. Demobilization and remobilization of former combatants: Historical perspectives from post-conflict Southeast Asia and Africa, 1945-present

KITLV, Room 138 Reuvensplaats 2, Leiden

In the study of post-conflict transitions, a leading question has been how former soldiers and non-state combatants, previously engaged in violent conflict, can return to society, contribute to their respective communities, and reclaim their citizenship in times of peace.

Conference | Relocating Governance in Asia: state and society in South- and Southeast Asia, c. 1800-2000

Kamerlingh Onnes Building, RoomLorentzzaal (A 1.44) Steenschuur 25, 2311 ES Leiden

Over the last decades, the study of governance in Asia has increasingly expanded to include a focus upon non-state entities. Historians have realized that engagement with local intermediaries, civil society organizations, power brokers, and interest groups has been crucial to the day-to-day administration of European colonies and postcolonial states alike

Seminar | The death of the West, and the future of us all | Deborah Thomas

KITLV, Room 138 Reuvensplaats 2, Leiden

In this talk, I will interrogate the afterlives of imperialism in the language of epochal shift, and I will position the endpoint of this shift as the death of the West, its models of sovereignty, and its conventions of knowledge production.