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Bronbeek-symposium 2019 | de Indonesische stem

Museum Bronbeek Velperweg 147 , Arnhem

Op zondag 3 november 2019 vindt in Arnhem het Bronbeek-symposium plaats, het jaarlijkse evenement georganiseerd door Werkgroep Indisch-Nederlandse Letterkunde. Als thema is dit jaar gekozen voor De Indonesische stem.

Workshop | University education & student cultures in Indonesia | Suzanne Naafs & Fridus Steijlen

Leiden University, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, room SA49

This workshop highlights a key feature of ‘Asian modernity’, by examining the implications of a very rapid move towards mass higher education in Indonesia (and other countries in Southeast Asia), where tertiary education systems are not only expanding, but also becoming more stratified, commercial and international.

Symposium | Unhinging the National Framework: Transnational Life Writing

On Friday, 6 December, 2019, the symposium Unhinging the National Framework: Perspectives on Transnational Life Writing will be held at VU Amsterdam. KITLV researcher Esther Captain will give a talk on Postcolonial Transnational (Family) Histories with Dr. Guno Jones (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).

Seminar | Pious moderns: Toward healthy progress | Chiara Formichi

KITLV, Room 138 Reuvensplaats 2, Leiden

In this talk, Chiara Formichi will illustrate how by asking the question of how (literate, engaged, middle/upper-class) Indonesians understood and deployed the concepts of modernity and progress, and how these intersected