His current project within the cluster theme State, Violence and Citizenship at KITLV examines the involvement of Indonesian intellectuals and activists in shaping the discourse surrounding the human rights violations in Indonesia. He explores the implications of their actions on the government’s response to these issues.
‘Contemporary Sundanese Quran; A departure or divine proximity?’, Wacana: Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia, forthcoming April 2025.
‘The first and last laugh: Realism and social protest in Ahmad Tohari’s “Senyum Karyamin”’, Vooys: tijdschrift voor letteren 42.2: Indonesische letteren, 2024.
‘Throwing multiple blows: Eksil and Indonesia’s fight against political taboo’, Fulcrum, April 2024.
‘Prabowo Subianto, swimming and mythmaking’, Fulcrum, May 2024.
Writing Novels under the New Order: State Censorship, Complicity, and Literary Production in Indonesia, 1977-1986. PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2022.
‘Wound around the Wound: Narrative, Trauma, and Indonesia 1965’, in: The 1965 Coup in Indonesia: Questions of Representation 50 years later. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2015.
Melewati Batas: Kekerasan Ekstrem Belanda selama Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia, 1945-1949. 2023.
Revolutionary Worlds: Local Perspectives and Dynamics during the Indonesian Independence War, 1945-1949. AUP, 2023.
Sporen vol betekenis: ‘Getuigen &Tijdgenoten’ over the Indonesische Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog. AUP, 2022.
Beelden van de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, 1945-1949/Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia dalam Gambar. Leiden University Press, 2022.
Writing Novels under the New Order: State Censorship, Complicity, and Literary Production in Indonesia, 1977-1986. Leiden University, 2022. PhD thesis.