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The two academic KITLV journals Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde/Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania (BKI) or Nieuwe West-Indische Gids/New West Indian Guide (NWIG) are freely available through Open Access.
• Free use of the KITLV collections and all other collections held at the Leiden Universitary Library (with the free library card)
• A printed edition of BKI or NWIG (only if you opt for the Membership with printed edition)
• A discount of 25% on KITLV publications by Brill Publishers/KITLV Press
• KITLV News Alert Service that informs you about special acquisitions, recent publications, workshops, lectures and other activities organized by the KITLV
• Free access to all activities organized by the Members Association KITLV
KITLV Publications are all the books published by Brill Academic Publishers in collaboration with KITLV. Only members of our Learned Society are able to order their books through KITLV. In addition to the usual discount on KITLV books, they will receive a 25% discount on all books published by Brill.
• Full membership, including a printed edition of the BKI (€65,00 per calendar year)
• Full membership, including a printed edition of the NWIG (€45,00 per calendar year)
• Reduced membership without a printed journal (€33,00, per calendar year; both journals are freely available through Open Access)
Membership is valid for one year and will be renewed automatically. To terminate membership, inform Ellen Sitinjak before January 1:
We welcome individuals (not institutions) to become members of the Vereniging. Please fill out a form to get your membership.