Yesterday, 5 april Edisius Riyadi Terre died in a hospital in Jakarta. Edi was an English translator, a lawyer and lecturer in law at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. He collaborated with several KITLV researchers. Adriaan Bedner and Jacqueline Vel...

Medio 2019 was het vijf jaar geleden dat het KITLV, na een ingrijpende reorganisatie, een nieuwe start maakte als uitsluitend op onderzoek gericht KNAW-instituut, ingebed in de Leidse universitaire omgeving. ...

In preparation of a proposal for the Dutch Research Council’s (NWO) call for Caribbean multi-disciplinary research, Corinne Hofman (LU/KITLV) and Francio Guadeloupe (UvA/KITLV) visited the six Dutch Caribbean islands together with a team...

PhD defense by KITLV/VVI researcher Hoko Horii, 18 March 2020: 'Child marriage as a choice: Rethinking agency in international human rights (Bali, Indonesia)'. Child marriage has become an increasingly ...