Marieke Bloembergen appointed Professor of Archival and Postcolonial Studies
Marieke Bloembergen is appointed Professor of Archival and Postcolonial Studies at Leiden University, at the Colonial and Global History department of the Institute...
KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies
Marieke Bloembergen is appointed Professor of Archival and Postcolonial Studies at Leiden University, at the Colonial and Global History department of the Institute...
Afgelopen dinsdag 22 januari sprak presentator Jojanneke van den Berge van NPO radio 1 met Gert Oostindie over de economie van Curaçao. Premier Rutte heeft nu 'een samenwerkingsconvenant' ondertekend...
In opdracht van de gemeente Rotterdam zal het KITLV een onderzoek uitvoeren naar het koloniale en slavernijverleden van de stad. Deze opdracht vloeit voort uit de door de gemeenteraad van Rotterdam...
Tien wetenschappers uit alle delen van het Koninkrijk vinden dat er een fonds moet komen om de samenwerking op de terreinen van cultuur, cultuureducatie en -wetenschap tussen Nederland...
New publication by KITLV researcher Wouter Veenendaal, co-authored with Jack Corbett, and published with Oxford University Press. This is the first book-length study of democracy in the...
Now available online: the latest New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, volume 92, issue 3-4. Published continuously since 1919, the NWIG is the oldest scholarly journal on the Caribbean, featuring...
In the short film 'Surat-surat Tan Malaka' (Tan Malaka's letters) KITLV researcher Harry Poeze tells about the life of Tan Malaka at the exhibition ‘Surat Pendiri Bangsa‘ (Letters from the Founding Fathers) at the ...
Article in Inside Indonesia by Hoko Horii. Child marriage, defined by international organisations as the marriage of someone under the age of 18, has come under increasing scrutiny in Indonesia in recent years....
By Antoinette Schapper. Wooi Fana. Ujir sepanjang masa (English title: Wooi Fana. Life in Times in Ujir) is a community source book created for the people of Ujir...
Who is Panji, and what exactly is a Panji tale? Recently, on 21 September 2018, a special symposium was organised by the Leiden University Library and the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) ...