Makassaars-Nederlands woordenboek

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Artikelnummer: 9789024723201 Categorieën: ,

This dictionary is based on the 2nd printing (1885) of the Macassarese-Dutch dictionary of Dr. B.F. Matthes. The collection of material started in 1935, but with regularity only from 1967 onward. All Macassarese words and sentences are rendered in transcription with Latin characters only; the keywords are listed in alphabetical order. As many examples as possible are given of the word use in the sentence (sometimes covering the field of syntax), as e.g. proverbs, phrases and expressions. Dialects, often very different from the Macassarese, are only seldom included. Sometimes the information has an encyclopaedic character. The dictionary includes a Dutch-Macassarese index.

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