KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies

Nolten, MA Elaine

Elaine Nolten works at KITLV as a research assistant for the program 'International knowledge cooperation Dutch history of slavery in Indonesia, South Africa and Surinam' and for the chair of Public Anthropology of Kingdom Relations.

Elaine studied Language and Culture studies (BA) and Gender studies (RMA) at Utrecht University.  She has previously worked for Utrecht University, in the cultural sector, and as an independent researcher. Her previous work and research interests focus on the legacies of Dutch imperialism, colonial slavery, decolonization and Dutch postcolonial modalities.


Nolten, Elaine, Lola de Koning &Koen Leurs, 'Community media makers and the mediation of difference: Claiming citizenship and belongingness' , in: Buikema, R., Buyse, A., & Robben, A. C (eds.), Culture, citizenship and human rights, pp. 31-48. Routledge, 2019.

Nolten, Elaine & Kaylee Rosalina, ‘Hedendaagse sporen; De doorwerking van het slavernijverleden van Eindhoven’, in: Rastovac R., Derksen M., Rosalina K., Keulen M., Andrea L. & Nolten, E. (eds.), De stad vertelt: Vooronderzoek naar het slavernijverleden van Eindhoven, pp. 88-99,  2024.

Research Projects

International knowledge cooperation Dutch history of slavery in Indonesia, South Africa and Surinam

Chair of Public Anthropology of Kingdom Relations

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Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies