
Negrón, MA Ramona

Ramona earned her BA and Research MA (cum laude) in (Colonial) History at Leiden University in 2018 and 2020, respectively. In 2020, she began her PhD at Leiden University as part of the project ‘Exploiting the Empire of Others: Dutch Investment in Foreign Colonial Resources, 1570-1800’. Her dissertation explores Dutch participation in the Spanish Americas from 1580 to 1700. Her main research interests include colonial, maritime, and slavery history.

Ramona is editor of Holland Historisch Tijdschrift and works as a freelance researcher.

Ramona Negrón is a postdoctoral researcher at the KITLV, working on the project ‘How slaves became citizens: Proto-citizenship, empowerment, and inequality in the Age of Emancipation, 1770-1930’. Her research focuses on the transition from slavery to citizenship in the Dutch Caribbean during the Age of Emancipation.

Selected Publications

With Jessica den Oudsten, Camilla de Koning & Karwan Fatah-Black (eds.), The Dutch transatlantic slave trade; New methods, perspectives and sources. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, forthcoming, November 2024.

With Karwan Fatah-Black & Camilla de Koning, ‘What is manumission? The process and its resulting dependencies’, Esclavages & Post-Esclavages 9: 1-21, 2024.

With Roxana Chandali, Coretta Bakker-Wijbrans, Endi Kartokromo & Cor Revet, Het koloniaal en slavernijverleden van Gouda; Een verkenning. Gouda: Streekarchief Midden-Holland, 2024.

With Jessica den Oudsten, De grootste slavenhandelaren van Amsterdam; Over Jochem Matthijs en Coenraad Smitt. Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 2022.

‘The ambiguity of freedom: Kinship and motivations for manumission in eighteenth-century Suriname’, Slavery & Abolition 43-4: 758-778, 2022.

With Cátia Antunes, ‘The Dutch republic and the Spanish slave trade, 1580-1690’, TSEG 19-2:17-44, 2022.