Jong, MA Rosa de

Rosa de Jong is a PhD Candidate at the University of Amsterdam, and a guest researcher at the KITLV and at NIOD (Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies).

Her NWO-funded research project ‘From European ports to Caribbean homes: Second World War refugees in global transit’ investigates the refugees who fled during the Second World War from the Low Countries via different European ports to the Caribbean, ending up mainly in Jamaica, Suriname and Curaçao. In 2022, she was awarded an eight-month-long Alexander Grass Memorial Fellowship at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 

Rosa de Jong received her research master’s degree in history (2018) and bachelor’s degrees in history and philosophy (2016) from the University of Amsterdam. She previously worked at the KITLV as a junior researcher for a project on the colonial and enslavement past of the city of Rotterdam. Rosa de Jong was the final editor for Holland Historisch Tijdschrift and served on the humanities PhD council and the central PhD council at her university.  

Selected Publications

We thought we would be welcomed with open arms”: Holocaust refugees in Dutch Caribbean internment’, Patterns of Prejudice for special issue: Holocaust Refugees in the Colonial World 57 4-5, pp.305-325, 2024.  


‘Van bezet Nederland naar de Caraïben’, in: De vluchtelingenrepubliek. Een  migratiegeschiedenis van Nederland, David de Boer and Geert Janssen (eds.). Prometheus, 2023. 


‘Duitse en Oostenrijkse Joden als bevrijders bij de Slag om Arnhem’, WO2 Onderzoek Uitgelicht 2023.5, 2023. 


With Sarah Casteel, ‘Surinaamse schilder Josef Nassy’s artistieke weergave van een nazikamp voor burgerkrijgsgevangenen’, Oorlogsbronnen, 2023.  


Tiener op de vlucht, het verhaal van Truus Beffie’, Oorlogsbronnen, 2022.  


Looking for Agency in Transnational Refugee Trajectories during the Second World  War’, Itinerario Journal of Imperial and Global Interactions 45.1, 2021.  


‘Joodse vluchtelingen vinden veiligheid in Suriname’, Oorlogsbronnen, 2021.  


Dubbele straatnamen in de Amsterdamse Transvaalbuurt’, Holland Historisch Tijdschrift, 2020.