Fischer, JD Alison

Alison Fischer is a PhD Candidate on the topic of law, race and post-colonial communities in the Netherlands. Through an in-depth case study of how different groups in the Dutch metropole used law to address racial discrimination in the 1980s and 1990s, she explores how law has played a role in constructing racial identities in Dutch society and how those constructions affect ongoing concepts of citizenship and belonging in the Netherlands 

Alison has a BA in Political Science from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (1999), where she was a Morehead Scholar, and a  doctorate of jurisprudence (JD) from Columbia University (2005). She worked as a grassroots organizer and criminal defense lawyer in the United States, before immigrating to the Netherlands in 2011. Since then, she has taught at the University of Amsterdam where she helped start the College of Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (PPLE). 

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