He has a background in Biology (Msc) and obtained his PhD in Physical Geography. He worked and lived in Brazil, Aruba, and Mexico, and is very interested in human environmental interactions and human adaptation strategies to past climate change, especially for Mesoamerican and Caribbean societies. He is a specialist in palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimate reconstructions, and is familiar with the application of multiple proxies, including pollen and diatoms.
Nooren, K., Hoek, W.Z., Dermody, B., Galop, D., Metcalfe, S., Islebe, G., and Middelkoop, H., ‘Climate impact on the development of Pre-Classic Maya civilization’, Climate of the Past 14: 1253-1273. 2018.
Nooren, K., Hoek, W.Z., Van der Plicht, H., Sigl, M., Van Bergen, M.J., Galop, D., Torrescano-Valle, N., Islebe, G. Winkels, T., and Middelkoop, H., ‘Explosive eruption of El Chichón volcano (Mexico) disrupted 6th century Maya civilization and contributed to global cooling’, Geology 45: 175-178. 2017.